How to replace Spotlight with Raycast in Mac

What is Raycast?

Raycast is a productivity application designed for Mac to streamline workflows and enhance efficiency on macOS. It functions as a powerful, customizable launcher, allowing users to quickly access applications, files, commands, and other functionalities through a unified interface. Here are some key features and benefits of Raycast for Mac:

      1. Quick Access to Apps and Files:
            • Users can quickly open applications and files without navigating through the Finder or Launchpad. This speeds up routine tasks and reduces the time spent searching for items.

        1. Command Palette:
              • Raycast includes a command palette that lets users execute various system and app commands with keyboard shortcuts. This includes tasks like opening web pages, sending emails, managing calendars, and more.

          1. Custom Scripts and Extensions:
                • Users can create custom scripts and install extensions to add new functionalities to Raycast. This allows for extensive customization based on individual needs and preferences.

            1. Integration with Third-Party Apps:
                  • Raycast integrates with various third-party applications and services such as GitHub, Jira, Slack, and Google Workspace, enabling users to perform actions and retrieve information from these platforms directly within Raycast.

              1. Search and Navigation:
                    • The app provides powerful search capabilities, enabling users to find files, folders, and commands quickly. It also supports deep navigation into system settings and other macOS features.

                1. Workflow Automation:
                      • By combining commands and scripts, users can automate repetitive tasks, enhancing productivity and reducing manual effort.

                  1. Snippets and Templates:
                        • Users can create and manage text snippets and templates for frequently used text, which can be quickly inserted into documents, emails, and other text fields.

                    1. User-Friendly Interface:
                          • Raycast features a clean and intuitive interface designed to be easily accessible and user-friendly, promoting a seamless user experience.

                    You can download Raycast from here.

                    Replace Spotlight with Raycast

                        • Once Raycast is installed in your Mac go to following setting in your mac General Settings -> Keyboard -> Keyoard Shortcut -> Spotlight.

                            • Disable all shortcuts here.
                            • Now open Raycast and go to its settings
                          • Here change Raycast hotkey to ⌘ + Space from ⌥ + Space which is default in Raycast.
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